[Sequel to The exhibitionist.]
I moved the mobile slowly upwards, so the camera revealed her thigh and a bit of her bum’s curves. Then I made a small step to the side and her bellybutton became visible. One of her hands slowly slid into sight, with just the tip of a finger caressing herself. The skin was shining and sparkling in the sunlight because of the oil I had applied beforehand. She was slightly leaning backwards and had her stomach sucked in a bit. When I moved the camera further upwards her rib cage was visible imprinting on her skin and her small breasts came into sight. The fingertips of her other hand wandered between them downwards. Two Haribo cherries were attached to her erect nipples. I focused on them, and the viewers of our stream could admire one cherry in a close-up. I moved my lips into the frame, and they could witness how I took the cherry into my mouth without seeing my face. Before I chewed the cherry, I circled my tongue around her nipple and sucked on it. You could hear her moan softly and one of her hands closed around her breast massaging it. Then we did the same with the second cherry and we started kissing…
On our next stream, we used honey. I let it drip with a honeydrippler on her breasts where it flowed down slowly, crossing the areola without touching her erect nipple. When it reached the end of the breasts curve and it nearly drip further down, one of her elegant fingers caught the drop and licked it of her finger. Then she turned around and the next drop landed on her bum and flowed slowly downwards the backside of her thigh between her legs. This time I licked it off. Another drop took a similar route down her other thigh before I let it vanish in my mouth. For the next lick, I didn’t need honey because it was already warm and wet…
In the next weeks, we plunged into a world of sexual fantasies that were mostly new to me. Before I met her, I never thought about being someone else when getting intimate with a woman. But when we made livestreams and later even videos for her account on a pornsite, a lot of roleplays were involved. We became boss and intern, stepbrother and stepsister, father-in-law and stepdaughter, traveller and hitchhiker, casting agent and model, sugar daddy and girl in need and many more. Those roles were not particularly part of my or her fantasies, but of her followers online. They even requested such scenarios in mails or comments. And we were happy to deliver. I became more experienced with the technical aspects of our streams: lighting, sounds, camerawork. Thousand of couples uploaded sextapes into the virtual world of porn, but to stand out you not only had to have a nice body, but you also had to think of things. It improved the quality of our content.
When I first threw myself into the renovation of my house after Rosie left, I now had a new hobby: videography. It was a new felt aspiration for something, and I felt more alive than I had in a long time. Not only because I had sex with a woman, I was very fond of but also because of her company I relished deeply.
When we didn’t had sex or were otherwise occupied with our content, we spent long hours in the kitchen of my house, and we finished the renovation together. She surprised me with unexpected great cooking skills and showed me new ways to cook simple but delicious meals. I return, I introduced her into the world of wines. And even though my wine consume were increasing again, it didn’t reach the same critical amount from last year.
From time to time we made little road trips within France, to the Bretagne and Champagne. Of course, we combined it with our streaming activities. But we spend more time enjoying the nature and tasting wine – or original champagne – while having great dinner.
I was still lying on a massage table while she was going to the bathroom to take a shower. In our latest stream we played a naughty masseur who seduced his customer. It was something I wanted to do for quite a while. I had learned some techniques for sensual massages, and we tried it out several times – but without a camera, just for ourselves. It has been an intense stream and I was still exhausted. I closed my eyes and listened to my heartbeat and my decelerating breath. My mind wandered off to other streams we had made and from there I thought about the influence she had on my life. Sure, it was a lot of sex and sharing it with anonymous countless people on the internet. But that was only a part of it. In contrast to most of the women I met after Rosie, she contributed to my daily life as well. And, I discovered, to my inner peace. For the first time in a long time, I felt good. I felt content, often even happy.
It was a realisation that came so suddenly, I had to smile. Even though my head had known this for a long time, but it took my soul a much longer time to realise I didn’t need Rosie to be happy.